Deledao Parent Portal


The CCSD Technology Department will be sending out invitations for parents to sign up for the Parent Portal of our Web Filtering Application beginning tomorrow November 15th. This free service allows parents to monitor their child’s activity when using a school-issued Chromebook or a personal Chromebook logged in with the student’s school Google account.

Deledao’s innovative artificial intelligence analyzes text, images, and videos in real-time to help keep your children safe while they explore the internet.

The Parent Portal provides tools for parents to effectively guide their children's online activities. Through the portal, you will be able to:

  • View a summary of your child’s web activity

  • Investigate a detailed activity log

  • Configure additional at-home policy settings, including setting time limits for Chromebook use

  • Control internet access on school-issued devices during specific times of the day (you can shut down devices after 11 pm for example)

Please note:

  • The Parent Portal does not provide visibility into student activity while on campus.

Invitations will be sent on November 15th to the primary contact person listed in SchoolTool for students in grades 5-12. If you do not have an email associated with the primary contact, or if you are the primary contact for a student in grades PreK-4, please contact Matt Gelder to gain access to the Parent Portal.

Please look for an email from